Cigar:            CAO Gold Corona

Size:             42 x 5.5"

Country:          Nic

Wrapper:          ECCT, N

Binder:           Nic

Filler:           Hon/Nic

Flavor Body:      Mild-Medium

Stength:          Mild-Medium

Date Received:    2004-09-17

Suspected Age:   

Vendor/Price:     Gift from Garry Nold, ASC.  Thanks Garry!

Beverage(s):      Water

Smoke time:       1:15

Date:             2004-11-14

Posted to ASC:    2004-11-14

Overall score:    2.5/5.0


Overall:    Very tight draw, harsh on the throat, occasionally palatable.  Long, sweet finish.  Not a box purchase.  Not even a singles purchase.


Ambience:   Mom's basement again.  I'm staying with her for a few days after a mastectomy.  Floor fan on high in front of the screen door.  Smoking at the table while doing computer work. 


Construction:     Milk chocolate colored wrapper.  Very firm, no hard/soft spots.  Short double cap.  Rather heavy veining.   


Cut & Prelight:   Poor cut - my fault.  Very tight draw.  Barnyard aroma, sweet with a hint of manure - very promising.  Little draw flavor.


First third:      Low smoke volume.  Very tight draw.  Pepper on palate.  White firm ash.  A bit harsh on the back of the throat.  Some floral flavor in the nose.  Not much flavor in the mouth.  Nice even burn.


Second third:     Draw has opened somewhat.  Finish sweet and floral.  Still some harshness, and very little flavor.  Ash held for 2".  A good poke, a la TimL, opened the draw and increased the smoke volume greatly.  Didn't improve the flavor.


Third third:      Became somewhat sweet and floral.  Occasionally palatable.