Cigar:            Cuba's Famous Brands Montecrissto #2

Size:             52 x 6 1/4"

Country:          ?

Wrapper:          ?

Binder:           ?

Filler:           ?

Flavor Strength:  Medium-Full

NicotineStength:  Medium-Full

Date Received:    2005-06-30

Suspected Age:    Unknown

Vendor/Price:     Mr.Bundles / about $3 a stick

Beverage(s):      Water, Hale's Mongoose IPA

Smoke time:       1:00

Date:             2005-07-24

Posted to ASC:    2005-07-24

Overall score:    1.5/5.0


Overall:    Nice appearance with a wonderful unlit aroma.  Flavor and finish poor, randomly, bitter, funky, sweet, toasty.  Reluctant to burn.  Bleah.  Tossed at the halfway point.  The beer was great.


Ambience:   Nice day, on the deck reading Air & Space.


Appearance: Smooth, slightly darker than milk chocolate wrapper.  One medium vein, nice cap, and evenly firm with a slight box press.


Cut & Prelight:   Cut well.  Cubanesque aroma with much sweet barnyard.  Somewhat restrictive draw with a musty draw flavor and much lip tingle. 


First third:      Initially green nut and pepper.  Good smoke volume.  Weird shaped ash - just a smaller diameter cylinder sticking out of the wrapper.  Ragged burn.  Seems reluctant to burn and needs constant stoking to remain lit.  Green-ness has faded into a slight toast with a bit of "funky" edge to the smoke.  Pepper faded away.  Dry finish


Second third:     Slightly sweet at times.  Finish still dry.  Still some toastiness, but not much.  Still reluctant to burn and the wrapper seems to scorch rather than burn.  Ugly, firm, dark, almost black in places, mottled ash.  Still stoking to keep lit.  Does not seem wet.  Not a good cigar and abandoned at the halfway point.  Flavor was unremarkable, bitter, funky, sweet, and toasty, at random times.  Bleah.


Third third:      NA