Cigar:            Cuesta Rey No 11 Belicoso Centenario

Size:             50 x 4.88"

Country:          DR

Wrapper:          CT, N

Binder:           DR

Filler:           DR

Flavor Body:      Medium     

Stength:          Medium

Date Received:    2004-07-29

Suspected Age:   

Vendor/Price:     Gifted from Mickey, ASC - Thank you!

Beverage(s):      Water, Woodford Reserve Bourbon

Smoke time:       1:05

Date:             2004-11-13

Posted to ASC:    2004-11-14

Overall score:    3.0/5.0


Overall:    A bittersweet stick with some charm.  Smoke with water, or perhaps gin.  Sweeter drinks will accentuate the bitter note.  More dry and/or bitter drinks may bring out the background sweetness.  Not a box purchase.  I wonder what these are like with a few years on them?  Does the bitter note fade with time?


Ambience:   Mom's basement.  I'm staying with her for a few days after a mastectomy.  Floor fan on high in front of the screen door.  Smoking at the table while doing computer work.  First use of ASC lighter was completely successful. 


Construction:     Short little belicoso.  Nice double band - "Centro Fino Sungrown".  Triple or quadruple spiral cap.  Fine veins.  Firm no hard/soft spots. 


Cut & Prelight:   Cut very well.  Torpedos always cut well.  Open draw.  Sweet mocha aroma.  Draw flavor minimal.


First third:      First few puffs, very green almonds - bitternut.  Good smoke volume.  Very white ash, a little flakey.  Green, bittersweet, dry finish.  The sweet bourbon does not go particularly well with the bitter cigar.  The water brings out a sweetness in the finish. 


Second third:     Sweetness is slowly overcoming the bitternut.  Ashed at 1.5".  Sweetened up a bit more, but has not lost its bitter edge. 


Third third:      Good burn.  Wrapper split about half way.  Tastes better if smoked VERY slowly.  Finish is sweeter than foretaste.  The last part of this cigar was the best.  The bitterness had largely worked out of it.  Then, it was over.