Cigar:            Henry Clay H2000

Size:             47 x 5.65"

Wrapper:          H2000, E

Binder:           DR

Filler:           DR

Flavor Body:      Mild-Medium

Stength:          Medium

Country:          DR

Date Received:    2004-06-17

Suspected Age:    6 months

Vendor/Price:     Gifted from Caffiene, ASC - THANKS!

Beverage(s):      Water

Smoke time:       1:00

Date:             2004-08-20

Posted to ASC:    2004-08-21

Overall score:    2.5/5.0


Overall:    Leathery, woody, earthy, with a dry unflavorful finish.  Became boring.


Ambience:   Not notable, usual location, though not the usual solitude,

relaxation, and contemplation.  A bit busy with multiple distractions.


Construction:     Light box press with a triple cap.  Reddish wrapper with small veins.  Nice sweet aroma.  Good looking stick


Cut & Prelight:   Cut well, cap held up.  Peppery on the lips, though little flavor.  Good draw.


First third:      Initially spicey and peppery.  Smoke volume a little low.  Tended to want to tunnel - spit fixed.  Leathery with a woody, dry finish.  Lined gray/white ash with a bit of flake.  Raised black ring at the burn front.


Second third:     Ashed at over 2".  This is NOT a toasty, nutty, sweet cigar.  This is leathery, earthy, woody, dry cigar.  Not much flavor and not much of a finish.  Burn evened out about half way through.


Third third:      Lack of flavor got boring and abandoned it at about 2.5".  Slight nicotine buzz.  Surprised at the lack of flavor, which seemed to fade as the stick burned.  Low smoke volume.  Still have not had a box press that burned well without assistance.