Cigar:            Romeo y Julieta Clemenceaus, Tubos

Size:             50 x 6.0"

Country:          DR

Wrapper:          Indonesia, Shade Grown, Natural

Binder:           DR

Filler:           DR

Flavor Strength:  Mild

NicotineStength:  Mild

Date Received:    2004-05-07

Suspected Age:    3 years

Vendor/Price:     Famous $4/each at the time.


Beverage(s):      Costa Rican Coffee, water

Smoke time:       0:50

Date:             2007-02-18

Posted to ASC:    2007-02-18

Overall score:    2.0/5.0

Sock color:       Yellow

Hat:              CAO Cx2


Overall:    Nothing happenning here, go back to your homes.  Well constructed.  VERY MILD.  Burning paper flavor profile.  No aftertaste to speak of.  A non-event.  Nice tubes. 


Ambience:   Afternoon in the sunny sunroom studying blood test results.  Lipids not good.  Little woman off to sew until tomorrow.  Taking a vacation from house projects. 


Appearance: Bigger than my usual fare.  Small veined, thin, dusky milk-chocolate colored wrapper with some tooth.  Quite hard with no soft spots.  Long triple cap. 


Cut & Prelight:   Mild sweet leather aroma.  Cut well, yielding an open draw, a pepper-filled draw flavor, and substantial lip tingle. 


First third:      Initially rather bitter.  Took a 1/2" to get going well, produce a lot of smoke, and lose the bitterness.  Mild, somewhat like burning peppered paper.  Very mild.  Good smoke volume.  Excellent burn.  Kind of boring, plan to abandon at half-way point.  Compact ash held to 1.5".


Second third:     Boring.  Still very mild burnt paper.  Abandoned.


Third third: